2005/09/19 | Different Choices,Different Results by:蓝色未知数
发表于 19:46
Different Choices, Different Results—the Postmodernism Features of Run Lola Run
Ⅰ Introduction
When we watch a film, what we are most interested is no longer what it wants to tell us but how it tells. Postmodernism has infiltrated gradually into the field of movie making. Run Lola Run is a representative postmodern movie. It intends to show its structure more than its substance and make us be new creators of its own. In this paper, I will show some Postmodernism features of it.
Key Words
Postmodernism Run Lola Run Feature
Ⅱ about Postmodernism and Post structuralism
A. Postmodernism—a definition that we can never give
Many people have been trying to give a definition of postmodernism since it appeared. But they have all failed. Postmodernism is a conception that we can never define. It exists as an aesthetic concept, a way of thinking and a kind of living status in every aspect of live.
The “post” of “postmodernism” has a duality. It reflects two different attitudes to “modern”. On one hand, “post-modern” means “not-modern”, which intends to break completely with modern theory, culture, ideology and artistic style. It means either emancipating from old layout restrictions or losing traditional value and validity. One the other hand, “post-modern” is considered as “hyper-modern”, which are the continuance and consolidating of modern and dependents on it.
B. Poststructure—Deconstruction of structure Post structuralism comes from structuralism, and at the same time, it is reaction to structuralism. Decentring metaphysics convention is the most remarkable feature of post structuralism. The basic tactics of post structuralism is the deconstruction of the version structure itself. It is not to allege some true proposition about a version, but to let the utterance style produce implement and refraction affect, and to teach audiences how to critique the version by themselves. In the field of cultural study, deconstruction is not a method but a perspective. It can be an approach, an attitude or politics. It can’t be a tool or a method. Because it is that postmodernism and post structuralism oppose to simplify deconstruction to be an only method or formula.
Ⅲ The Postmodernism Features of Run Lola Run
Run Lola Run has distinctively MTV type aesthetic style. It is pieced together by techno music, High speeds rhythm, division picture, video recording, animation, time delay multimedia and editing skill and has Rock-and Roll rhythm and metal music work throughout it. All of those manifest obvious postmodern style.
A.The subversion of normal mode of thinking—lady saves hero
Inclining to the women’s rights is one of the postmodernism features of the movie.
Similarly was the save of love, in the traditional movies, it was usual that the man saved the women, namely so-called “hero saves lady”. But in Run Lola Run, “hero saves lady” has become “lady saves ‘hero’”. This is an important point of the movie, which shows us that the position of the tradition role of men and women has been utterly changed.
In fact, the thing Run Lola Run wants to show is not only “lady saves ‘hero’”, but also “women save the world”. In the same twenty-minute time, the woman is running without stop, but the man is calling for help endlessly in the telephone booth. Nowadays, men can no longer change everything. They can only wait for the misfortune coming. On the contrary, women are trying hard to struggle with the destiny. Women are struggling to change everything, even to make “space-time” reverse.
I may say that in Run Lola Run, the misplacement of behavior to the destiny of the heroine and the hero has reflected a great change of the position of the role of men and women in modern life.
B.Oversimplified narration
The narration structure of Run Lola Run is different from traditional structures. In fact, considered in the deep, this movie does not believe in narration. It has not only overthrow the structure and theory of “grand narration” in classical movies, but also simplified the narration structure in general meanings into the simplest level. That is to say it used post and beam construction of narration—a complete unidirectional linear way and all of the secondary plot which is possible to appear and things which is related has been reduce into “photo” form.
This fashion is a kind of negating of the traditional mode—behind different destinies caused by different narrations, there is the deconstruction of the narration structure itself. Narration appears scattered in activity on different flats. It tears the dividing line between truth and fictitious and “hang up” the facility of the plot and the agreement of the audiences ingeniously. The supposition was implied in the end of every part of the movie. The powerless and unbelievable of the narration itself was appearing.
C.Play with the structure—Different choices, different results
The movie showed the audiences of three processes and three results of Lola’s running and looking for money to save her boyfriend.
The first running: Lola had not borrowed money from her father, went to rob the supermarket with her boyfriend and finally was shot by the police.
The second running: Lola had got money from her father’s bank by holding him under duress, but her boyfriend was killed by an ambulance.
The third running: Lola gained the money from gambling house and her boyfriend regained the money that had been lost in the subway. Lola and her boyfriend became rich.
The movie uses the RPG game type structure, through which the story becomes going through the ordeals of Lola—the character of the “game”. In the movie, time is no longer the power of narration, but a part of the “game”, whose limitation is twenty minutes. There are three twenty-minute time, each narration is separated and has no narrative relevance with each other. The only thing that joins them together is the movie’s conception and theme. Lola continued to accumulate the “experience” during the repeating circumstances and refrained from meeting the scheme which appeared last time. Every choice she made at every scheme would influence the final result and she can do it again from the beginning if the result is not good. This precipitates sufficiently the point of postmodernism that “everything is possible but nothing is true”.
During the process of appreciation, if we give up the attention to the structure and express tactics, we can never do the research to the substance which is corresponding to the modality. If we only focus our vision on personal destiny, the unknown and needs of exploration of live, which the movie wants to express will be hidden. Moment decide destiny. The destiny is not things sitting up high in a leading position like God, but every choice we make in every moment in daily life. It is because that everything is up to man himself that human appears incapable of action before the destiny. Man is incapable because man can never beat himself.
D. signified character—Lola
In this movie, the characters are abstracted to be aggregate of temperament signs.
For example, Lola-- the heroine of the story.
In the movie, Lola can be considered as the aggregate of three signs—the color (red), the action (run) and the sound (shout). That is to say, we can generalize the character, Lola, by these three words.
1.the color—red
We can see that all the other people around Lola are living in a gloomy and insipid world of only black and white. It is only Lola that is appears in the most bright-colored and eye-catching red throughout the movie.
Red is the color of love and romantic. It is the color that can stimulate human’s visual organ in all the kinds of colors. The makers may think that the red costume and prop are not enough for expressing Lola. So they dyed the most prominent part of Lola—her hair red. Lola’s red hair is just like the red flare which is in the Olympic athlete’s hand. In the flare burns is Roller's blazing love.
2.the action—run
The name of the movie is Run Lola Run. In this movie, “run” is the main thread. It runs through the movie and puts the plot in motion, and it is also the most important point of the movie. Lola keeps running to save her love. Running demonstrates Lola’s characteristic of refusing to be cowed or submit. Running is everything in Lola’s life—lives, and never gives up. Lola’s running is not for her, not for selfish desire, and not for money, either. She is running for others, and for her love.
3.the sound—shout
In the movie, Lola has three times of “shout”. Lola’s three times of shouting are very violent and grating on the ear, and also causes miraculous effect—the glass quart pots crack into pieces. Lola’s shouting is to reverse her destiny that seems to have been arranged by God. “Shout” is a kind of struggle to turn down the world’s reality completely. It expresses Lola’s characteristic of unyielding to destiny and reality.
These three signs form the fictitious character—Lola. Saying that she is fictitious is because that she is no longer a real woman in the real word but a character of a game. In the game, people can be brought back to life after death, and the game can be restart if it is over. Lola’s destiny is decided by the “player”, or we can say that the movie’s creators play the part of both “player” and the character itself. It expresses the game perspective in creation of postmodernism.
Ⅳ conclusion
The postmodernism feature of Run Lola Run is expressed in four aspects-- the subversion of normal mode of thinking, the oversimplified narration, the playing with the structure and the signified character. Run Lola Run is a typical example of postmodernism film, and its features have typical purport.
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7.《世界电影理论思潮》(游飞、蔡卫 著 中国广播电视出版社 2002年1月)